Scientists believe that it lived in a similar way to the anaconda that now lives in South America. With these measurements, it is the largest, longest and heaviest snake in the history of the world - even if it’s been dead for a while. Titanoboa and Albertaceratops - Illustration: Michael Rosskothen/Shutterstock Lifestyle of Titanoboa and Anaconda Quite Similar

An albertaceratops is standing next to the titanoboa. As there were no cameras back then, there are - of course - no photos. This photo-realistic illustration shows how the titanoboa might have actually looked. This animal was an impressive 45 feet (14 meters) long and weighed around 1.25 tons. As the metabolism of “cold-blooded” reptiles like snakes is directly related to the temperature of their surroundings, they were able to get incredibly big. It was about 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) warmer than it is today. The giant “titanoboa” lived just after the dinosaurs died out, around 60 million years ago. The Titanoboa Was the Biggest Snake in the World It was as big as a school bus and as heavy as a small car. Scientists found the skeleton of the biggest snake in the world in Columbia.