The UC100 has a look as if it was a “simple USB to LPT port converter module”, but it ismuch more than this. The UC100 motion controller overcomes these problems with removing all time criticaltasks from the control computer and Windows and executing all these tasks on inside it'sown high speed DSP control chip outside the PC.The UC100 controller connects to the PC via the USB port and this kind of port is moremodern as an LPT port and exists on all today's computers. If the computer gets overloaded by Mach3 or byrunning other software(s) in the background may leads to a lagging of the G-code codeexecution to even a falter in the motion interpolation which may lead to a catastrophicfailure of some applications.Another problem with the LPT port is that in today's informatic technology this kind of portis no more used and is a dying out device and non of the new laptops having this kind ofport built in anymore.

As the output signals frequency gets higherwith using todays more and more advanced motor control electronics Mach3 needs themore processor time of the computer. Windows is not a realtimeoperating system and therefor it is a difficult and CPU time consuming task for Mach3 togenerate these signals in a precise manner. Mach3 in default working the the computer'sparallel (printer) port and sending all signals via this port. Mach3 is a popular CNC machine tool control software running on desktop computers andlaptops under Windows operating system. Product description and background of working